Erkel Ferenc- Bánk bán. Mint száműzött- Simándy József
This is a picture of the Metz Family crypt in the
cemetery at Piliscsaba, Hungary. My parents were buried here, also my father's
first wife and my half-brother Rezso. This is the place, under the old pine
trees, where I'm heading on the long and bumpy road of my life.
Two links are available for Piliscsaba:
Just about 35 years ago I had started to write a book. I
still have these few pages written in Hungarian. My intention was to document
some of our family background and history. Of course, I couldn't do it
simultaneously with the tremendous task of raising my three small children all
by myself. Now they're all adults and have their own families.
Please, do not get me wrong, I am not complacent at all.
Looking back now I question myself: could I have done things differently? Just
how many times did I make the wrong decisions, or did I make mistakes in my
upbringing of the children?
I am sure I had made mistakes and quite a few of them.
But when one is so young and inexperienced it is very difficult to see the
light at the end of the tunnel. All one can do is rely on intuition and try to
do one's best. And here is where Faith comes in, faith in the Almighty and in
the strength of my family.
The idea for this site started when I found myself in a
conversation about the First World War. Someone pointed me to a very
informative web site and from there I started searching and found a web page
about my father. Time for me to finish my task, so here it is:
Please have a look at my blog which can be found at My Blogspot and
while there I'd love you to leave a comment.
I also feature a Hungarian Cooking site, if you are
interested just click on this link. My
Hungarian Recipes.
My latest venture is to translate into English, as well
as providing a Hungarian version, a true story recounted by a friend from my
youth of the troubled times we lived through. Do please look at it by clicking Memoire.
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Should you wish to contact me please do so by clicking HERE